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What is it?

“Priscio” means, in the local dialect, the excitement that anticipates a joyful event, something you were looking for, a change. Typically used in expressions like: I had “Priscio” to do it. 

The feeling that every young changemaker should feel.


Il Priscio is an activities set for young positive change-makers. It supports children in undertaking a child-led activation journey to initiate an action towards challenges within their community. The tool is the outcome of the research and design project, “Empowering young changemakers. A tool that enables children to activate in their community through a child-led approach“ developed by Samira Miccolis in the scope of her MSc thesis at TUDelft. 

How to use it?

The tool is intended for use with groups of children willing to discover their abilities, become the protagonist of change, and give voice to their ideas. 
To start the activation journey, download and print the board, the activity cards, and the additional material in the package, assemble them as you see here and start following the steps. 

A project developed in collaboration with:  

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